IMP Scoring Card
Your matchplay assistant

IMP Scoring Card

IMP Scoring Card is the must have app for any bridge competitor. It allows to capture simply, quickly and easily your scores all along the match. Errors due to wrong scoring or vulnerability are gone. Therefore, getting the IMP points is only one click from entering scores of the second table. The user interface is light to see all scores, anytime, and to ease review and analysis. You can also share the scores with your teammates. Last but not least, you save paper also.

Set the match parameters, enter your scores as you play. At the break, capture quickly the other table’s scores and get the IMP scores in one click. Repeat for the second half and watch scores for the overall match. Shares results of each half with your teammates.
Go and play !

Available on any iPhone

Main features

Match parameters setting : number of boards, case numbers, team status, starting line
Score entry, per board, for each table : contract, lead, result
Automated IMP scoring
IMP scores sharing : summary to be sent by email
Match scores summary
Match data cleaning

User expérience based on Apple’s standards :
Data selection through segmented pickers and wheel pickers
Intuitive buttons
Screen swiping

Dark mode supported

Testing the app

If you wish to test the app upfront, please follow this link :

Apple will ask you to install TestFlight (free), shell application in which the app to be tested will be installed. This is to prevent your device from any bug.

Then you will be able to play with the full features. Test period is limited in time. We will be looking for any remarks and suggestions you may have in order to improve our app. Please use the Contact form.

Enjoy the test !

More bridge apps developed by our company are also available on the App Store :

my Bridge Assistant

MyBridge Assistant is an exhaustive application to help you improve your bridge game. 

First, you deal cards. Then you set the contract. You're donne and ready to play ! 

Test different ways to play the cards, replay as much as you want, change the contract, change the opening, withdraw a card, etc...

You want to keep a board ? Set your criteria and save !

You've got now a long list of saved boards. Filter and sort that list according to your preferences. Or decide to delete a board.

Let's play !

Distribution screen